Business Results

Business Results

(JPY million)

Operating Profits

(JPY million)

Operating Profits
Recurring Profits

(JPY million)

Recurring Profits
Net Profits

(JPY million)

Net Profits
Earnings per share


Earnings per share
Return on Equity


Return on Equity

The Company conducted a 40-for-1 common stock split on 6th March 2020, in addition conducted a 2-for-1 common stock split on 8th December 2021, 1st September 2022 ,and 10th February 2024. The above figures are per-share indicators after retroactively adjusting for the impact of the stock split.

Cautionary Note

  • In the event of the announcement of revisions to financial results, etc., the information in this data will not be immediately reflected.
  • Some indicators may be updated only for the full year due to changes in the format of financial statements.