Management information

Message from Top Management

Message from Top Management

Katsuya Takahara
COO & Representative Director

高原 克弥

Yasuyuki Kawabata
CEO & Representative Director

河端 保志


Our business specializes in IT engineers under our philosophy, “Breaking Common Sense”.

“Breaking Common Sense” is a phrase that implies “questioning irrational common sense and creating new, rational common sense”.

In a world where IT engineers are in short supply, we believe that IT engineers in Japan are treated unreasonably and unfairly compared to European and American peers, and those in other industries. To eradicate this, we launched “Midworks,” a support service for IT engineers who wish to become independent. Midworks forms the core of our business.  We believe that our actions-based philosophy is still at the very foundation of our company today.

In the IT market today, the number of digital transformation projects is rising, and further market growth is anticipated. In addition, according to a survey by METI (the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), there will be a shortage of up to 790,000 IT personnel by 2030. Thus, the demand for IT personnel will continue to rise, and securing IT engineers will become a critical social issue.

Through Midworks and TechStars, we provide IT engineering resources to companies and nurture IT engineers through tech boost, our programming school, to meet the growing demand for IT engineers. Our role is to provide solutions to these issues.

In addition, we believe that a mandatory programming education will bring about a change in the way IT engineers work in the world. We will not only contribute to the education of IT engineers through tech boost, but also grow as a platform for IT engineers by providing total services ranging from education, independent support, to career changes, by offering new services tailored to IT engineers.

7th July 2020

Company description

Company name

(TSE code: 7352)

Established 2nd October 2013
Address Head office
6th floor, Shibuya Higashi-guchi Building
2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo-to 150-0002 Japan
Google Map >

Satellite office of Shibuya
7th floor, Totate・Nagai Building
2-12-24 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0002 Japan
Google Map >

Osaka office
#501, Hanshin Sankei Sakura Bashi Building
2-4-13 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi
Osaka 530-0001 Japan
Google Map >

Nagoya office
#603, SC Nishiki ANNEX Building
2-10-13 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi
Aichi 460-0003 Japan
Google Map >

Fukuoka office
#602, Tenjin Shigematsu Building
3-4-8 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi
Fukuoka 810-0001 Japan
Google Map >

CEO & Representative DirectorYasuyuki Kawabata
COO & Representative Director Katsuya Takahara
CFO & DirectorMakoto Kato
Director(Independent)Takashi Nagao (part-time)
Director(Independent)Hajime Hasegawa(part-time)
Executive OfficerSho Yoshino
Executive OfficerTakayuki Oshima
Auditor(Independent)Satoshi Nakamura
Auditor(Independent)Masayuki Numata(part-time)
Auditor(Independent)Keisuke Asari(part-time)
Paid-up capital JPY 144.953 million
Number of employees 368 (as of 31th August 2023)
Type of business Services using IT
Business permit number General Worker Dispatching Business Permission “Ha 13-306090”
Paid Employment Agency Business Permit Number “13-Yu-307261”
Main banks Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Resona Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Auditing firm Moore Mirai & Co.
General Counsel Foresight Law Office
Atsumi & Sakai
Protectstance Legal Professional Corporation
Tax accountant S-Tax Partners
Labor and Social Security Attorney Petraf

Main client

  • Amazon Japan G.K.
  • Itochu Techno-Solutions Corporation
  • en Japan Inc.
  • Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • Google Japan
  • CyberAgent, Inc.
  • SHIFT Inc.
  • Shogakukan Productions Co.,Ltd.
  • SmartHR, Inc.
  • Sony Corporation
  • DeNA Co.,Ltd.
  • bitFlyer Inc.
  • Fujisoft Inc.
  • freee K.K.
  • Benesse Corporation
  • Mynavi Corporation
  • Mixi
  • Rakuten Group, Inc.
  • Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • Amazon Japan G.K.
  • Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • SHIFT Inc.
  • Sony Corporation
  • Fujisoft Inc.
  • Mynavi Corporation
  • Itochu Techno-Solutions Corporation
  • Google Japan
  • Shogakukan Productions Co.,Ltd.
  • DeNA Co.,Ltd.
  • freee K.K.
  • Mixi
  • Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • en Japan Inc.
  • CyberAgent, Inc.
  • SmartHR, Inc.
  • bitFlyer Inc.
  • Benesse Corporation
  • Rakuten Group, Inc.

Corporate governance

Our Basic Stance on Corporate Governance

Under our mission, “Breaking Common Sense,” the basic principle of our corporate governance is to conduct fair and highly transparent management, continuously enhance corporate value, fulfill corporate social responsibility, and earn the trust of all our stakeholders (interested parties) The Company strives to ensure compliance, improve transparency and soundness through active and prompt information disclosure, and to continuously improve and reinforce measures and an organizational structure to achieve efficient management.

Outline of Our Corporate Governance Structure and the Reasons for its Adoption

The Company has established the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of Corporate Auditors and Independent Auditors as the organs under the Companies Act. In addition, the Company has established a Risk Management Committee to assure its corporate governance system. In addition, the Representative Director appoints the head of the Internal Audit Department to conduct internal audits to reinforce supervision of management. Furthermore, the corporate governance system is reinforced by seeking advice and guidance from outside experts, such as attorneys, as necessary. We have chosen to be a Company with a Board of Auditors as it allows the Board of Directors to decide on basic management policies and to execute key operations under the audit and supervision of corporate auditors from an independent standpoint. We believe that this structure is most effective in ensuring the efficiency and soundness of management.

Corporate Governance Organizational Chart

Corporate Governance Organizational Chart

Corporate Governance Report

We have submitted the “Corporate Governance Report” to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

ESG Initiatives

We promote ESG (Environment: Environmental Protection, Social: Solutions to Social Problems, and Governance: Corporate Governance) and aim to grow together with society. We eliminate the shortage of IT human resources by matching companies with IT engineers. By promoting DX in society and supporting the creation of new services, the new services created will bring about environmental protection and social revitalization.

Promote ESG (Environment: environmental protection, Social: solving social problems, Governance: corporate governance)

Social & Environment​

• Propose new ways of working for engineers, such as support for freelancing.
• Provide engineering resources to companies and support the creation of new services.
• The created services enrich people’s lives and revitalize society.


• Enhance corporate governance
• Compliance with relevant laws and regulations


Providing engineers to DX companies indirectly contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. There are many examples of companies reducing their carbon footprint by promoting DX.
Source: Report by the Study Group on ICT Policy addressing Global Warming Issues

  • CO2 reduction Case1
  • CO2 reduction Case2
  • CO2 reduction Case3

Source: Report by the Study Group on ICT Policy addressing Global Warming Issues


To address the shortage of IT engineers, which is expected to become a serious problem in Japan in the future, we train and produce a large number of engineers, and ensure their mobility by providing freelance and career change support.

IT staff demand and TWOSTONE&Sons Group's businesses


We manage our business based on an appropriate organizational structure and implement risk management and labor environment protection measures.

Appropriate organizational structure

Management Structure

We have established the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of Auditors, and Independent Auditors as the organizations required by the Companies Act. The representative director appoints the head of the Internal Audit Office, which conducts internal audits. In addition, a business unit report meeting is held at the beginning of each month. We will establish a system to promptly grasp the performance and future prospects of each business and make efficient decisions.

Implementation of management measures

Establish a Risk Management Committee to minimize losses by preventing the occurrence of risks and responding appropriately. Implement measures for risk management, including periodic training in risk management (insider prevention, personal information protection, compliance training, etc.). We will also establish a system to protect the working environment by conducting periodic employee surveys and establishing a whistle-blowing and internal/external consultation service.